The influence of interorganizational relationships on the performance of hotel companies
evidence from Peruvian destinations
Interorganizational Relationships, Clusters, Tourism, HotelsAbstract
Tourism is a naturally complex economic activity, in which organizations and companies relate to each other. From the perspective that relationships matter and that different types of relationships are available to companies in a tourist destination, the present work aims to analyze the relationship between different types of interorganizational relationships on hotel companies’ performance. Specifically, the relationships established by these companies from three Peruvian tourist destinations are analyzed: Cusco, Arequipa, and Trujillo. The data collected are from a primary source and were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling technique. The results indicate that only vertical relationships influence the performance of companies, reinforcing the role of complementarity. Although they do not directly influence performance, the results show that support organizations play a relevant role in stimulating the development of vertical and horizontal relationships.
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