About the Journal

Focus and Scope

RBTUR is a scientific journal of the Brazilian National Association of Research and Postgraduate Studies in Tourism (ANPTUR). The journal publishes articles resulting from consistent, innovative, and relevant scientific research on Tourism. Articles with significant contributions to tourism theory are our main focus. Articles published in RBTUR are outcomes of scientific research developed under different philosophical and methodological perspectives. RBTUR values articles that contribute to social, economic, cultural, and environmental development in Brazil and Latin America.

In order to be accepted for publication by RBTUR, articles must have a direct and explicit association with tourism. RBTUR receives and publishes articles in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Articles from any authors are accepted, regardless of their institutional affiliations and educational degree. There is no limit on the number of articles by the same author per year. All articles undergo a blind peer-review process.

The journal is organized into three main sections:

Articles - Tourism and Society: articles related to social, cultural, and environmental issues related to tourism use in different times and spaces. This grouping includes scientific works on tourism in dialogue with the human and social sciences, such as history, sociology, education, geography, arts, anthropology, architecture and urbanism, museology, gastronomy, literature, psychology, philosophy, leisure, mobilities, and hospitality.

Articles - Tourism Management: articles focused on topics related to the management of tourism destinations and businesses. This includes various areas, such as public policies, business management, economics, marketing, behavioral sciences, technology, urban planning, and others.

Perspectives: essays and special articles written by guest authors. Documents do not undergo peer review.

Other sections of the journal are created from special calls for papers.

The financial resources for maintaining the journal are provided by ANPTUR and, occasionally, by research promotion public agencies. No fees are charged for submission, review, or publication.


Peer Review Process

The articles readily undergo a desk review, in which the compliance with the norms defined in the "guidelines for authors", and the scope of RBTUR (direct relationship with tourism, relevance, originality, and consistence).

Articles approved by the desk are submitted to peer review. At this stage, the articles are examined by at least two researchers with experience in the subject and/or the research method.

The review is double-blind. Referees do not have information about the authorship of the article and the authors do not have information about the identity of the referees. Reviewers must have no conflicts of interest in reviewing the article, stating that explicitly. The complete list of referees of RBTUR is published in the last number of each year.

The referees are directed to examine at least the following aspects of the articles:

  1. The relevance of the theme
  2. Scientific rigor of the research method
  3. The innovative character of the theme/approach
  4. Scope and depth of the literature review
  5. Property of the analysis and conclusion

Finally, referees recommend the work for publication, revision or rejection. When it undergoes substantial changes, the article may be submitted to a new round of assessments. Articles are published only after receiving favorable opinions from all reviewers.

Section Perspectives is devoted to publishing invited special manuscripts, which are not peer-reviewed.


Publication Frequency

Annual, continuous publication.

Open Access Policy

RBTUR offers open and immediate access to its content.

Back-up and preservation

A copy of RBTUR is systematically filed by the PKP Preservation Network.

Code of Ethics

RBTUR Code of Ethics


Constitution document (in Portuguese)