The Walt Disney World
consumption experience of the millennial generation in theme parks
Consumption Experience, Co-creation, Technology Readiness, Delight, Willingness to pay, Millenial GenerationAbstract
This research aims to analyse the influence of optimism on technology readiness and co-creation experiences in the consumption experiences of the millennial generation at Disney's theme parks as well as their relationship to customer delight. Quantitative research was carried out. The sample obtained 530 respondents, and the Structural Equation Modeling for data analysis was used. The results indicate that the consumption experiences of the Millenials are linked to factors not previously evidenced by other generations, such as the co-creation experiences and the optimism for technological readiness, which increase the degree of these experiences and can lead to consumer delight. On a practical level, it is worth highlighting the importance of theme park marketing teams understanding the behaviour of the millennial consumer, given his/her continuous growth in purchasing power compared to other generations.
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