Plastic pollution in the Brazilian coast
perceptions from hotel managers on the consumption of disposables
Single-use plastics, Circular economy, Tourism destinations, Accommodation facilities, BrazilAbstract
This article identified the perceptions of coast-based accommodation facilities managers regarding single-use plastics (SUPs). The research was predominantly qualitative, exploratory, and transversal applied in 41 companies of 8 accommodation categories located in 11 beach destinations within 6 Brazilian states. As the data collection technique, a semi-structured script was applied, and for interpretation, content analysis. The results indicate that economic-driven decisions take precedence over environmental decisions, and there is not an existing common view around a direct relationship between plastic pollution and the reduction in tourist flows. All companies use SUPs, especially cups, bottles, and bags. Among strategies to manage their use and waste, actions of replacement, reduction, environmental education and staff training stand out. Reducing/replacing items such as packaging and amenities require changes in the industry and consumer’s consumption behaviour. The absence of plastic products alternatives while keeping quality and price, resistance from consumers and limited support from investors and leaders appear as obstacles to expanding and improving the management of SUPs. Conclusions indicate that the linear logic of continuous use and disposal prevails against the circular economy. Significant perception variations among the categories of accommodation companies were not noticed, as these are predominantly connected to their management. Finally, the context of the COVID-19 pandemic worsens the problem of plastic pollution, requiring greater attention to the topic.
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Copyright (c) 2022 David Leonardo Bouças da Silva, Jaqueline Gil, Elimar Pinheiro do Nascimento, Helena Araújo Costa, Ravel Paixão

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