Análisis de lineamientos internacionales sobre Género y Turismo y su ausencia en los Planes Nacionales de Turismo de Brasil


  • Cassiana Gabrielli Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, SP, Brasil.



Gender relations, National Tourism Plan, Responsible Tourism, Women.


In 2010, in parallel with the creation of UN Women, the World Tourism Organization, also linked to the United Nations, launched its first report on women in tourism. Containing guidelines to promote women's empowerment through this activity, this document has its second edition, expanded, launched in 2020. However, despite the diffusion of discussions about gender in tourism and, although Brazil is also, Signatory State of Agenda 2030 (also promoted by the UN), there are no signs of improvements in social gender relations in the national tourism context. Thus, we present here the two editions of the Global Report On Women In Tourism, organized by UNWTO, highlighting their notes and recommendations and, we analyze the national tourism plans published in Brazil from 2010, the year of the first report. We chose gender as a category of analysis, especially due to the previously perceived absences of this marker in tourism development plans. We identified, using content analysis, that the recommendations are imperceptible in the NTPs and their absences negatively impact, strengthening a predatory tourism development process, which departs from its responsible and sustainable potential


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Author Biography

Cassiana Gabrielli, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, SP, Brasil.

Professora do Departamento de Geografia, Turismo e Humanidades (DGTH) da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). Doutora em Estudos Interdisciplinares sobre Mulheres, Gênero e Feminismo (UFBA); Mestre em Cultura e Turismo (UESC/UFBA); Bacharel em Turismo (UFPR).


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How to Cite

Gabrielli, C. (2022). Análisis de lineamientos internacionales sobre Género y Turismo y su ausencia en los Planes Nacionales de Turismo de Brasil. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 16, 2310.



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