Economic Consequences for a Small Tourism Dependent Economy




Two sector open economy model, Sectoral search unemployment, Tourism demand, COVID-19 shock.


This paper analyzes the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a small tourism dependent open economy. The lockdown affected both the demand side and the supply side of the economy, as production of goods and services dramatically dropped due to firms’ shutdowns, broken supply chains, or bankruptcies, and aggregate demand diminished due to lower consumer confidence and investment cutbacks, accompanied by a dramatic fall in international tourism demand, in particular due to travel restrictions. We look on these supply and demand changes through the lens of a macroeconomic model of a small open economy, comprising an industrial and a tourism sector. For this purpose, we modify Schubert’s (2013) model by introducing a multiple shock which reflects (i) reduced sectoral productivities due to, e.g., broken supply chains, (ii) a drop in employment due to firms’ lockdowns, and (iii) a sharp decline in international tourism demand. We find that the multiple shock leads to an immediate drop in GDP and a boost of the short-run unemployment rate, followed by a gradual transition back to steady state. The adverse effects on the tourism sector are the more severe the slower international tourism demand reverts to pre-crisis levels, but they do not strongly spill over to the industrial sector. Furthermore, even if international tourism demand recovers quickly, the effects on the industrial sector barely change. The length of the industrial sector’s recovery basically depends on the speed of restoring its sectoral productivity rather than on international tourism demand. The reason for this result can be found in the absorbing effect of the relative price of tourism services in terms of the industrial good.


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Author Biography

Stefan Franz Schubert, Free University of Bozen

Free University of Bozen


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How to Cite

Schubert, S. F. (2021). COVID-19: Economic Consequences for a Small Tourism Dependent Economy. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 15(1), 2297.



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