Live or let die
strategies for coping with COVID-19 from a business perspective in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil
Crisis management, Strategy, SMEs, COVID-19, São Luís do Maranhão.Abstract
This study aimed to identify the strategies developed by micro and small tourism companies to face the crisis caused by COVID-19 in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. In addition, the effects of the pandemic on business were examined. Therefore, a qualitative, cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory research project was developed with micro and small business in the following sectors: lodging, transportation, agency, F&B, consultancy, ceremonies and events. Data were collected through a semi-structured script containing the categories crisis impacts, crisis planning, implementation of crisis management and post-crisis management. A content analysis technique was used. The results show negative impacts, such as ‘financial difficulties’, and positive impacts, such as ‘professional qualification opportunities’. F&D companies achieved ‘improvements in revenue’ due to delivery. The strategies used to face the pandemic deal with marketing, finances, operational and HR management, and they vary according to the type of segments and stakeholders involved. In general, companies do not make contingency plans and act responsively to crises. Findings also point out the performance of public and private institutions in ‘technical and financial support’ to businesses, although ‘slow access to financial subsidies’ has been jeopardising the future of businesses. For the post-crisis period, firms aim for strategies that are in line with the new normal and that strengthen consumers’ sense of safety.
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