Saturation and Rejection of Tourism in Travel Destinations


  • Mario Carlos Beni Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (SP)



Overtourism, Tourismophobia, Clusters, Destination Marketing Organization


Tourism is a multi, inter, and transdisciplinary phenomenon in higher education and public management. In addition to these characteristics, tourism is also transversal and intersectional. Because of such features, changes occur continuously, whether in the behavior of tourists or residents. In the last decade, two new and challenging problems have arisen, namely: saturation and rejection of tourism in tourist destinations. Therefore, this article will focus on such issues of concern.


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Author Biography

Mario Carlos Beni, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (SP)

Ph.D. in Communication Sciences by the School of Arts and Communications of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP). Retired professor of the ECA-USP. Member of the National Tourism Council. He was a pioneer professor of tourism undergraduate courses in Brazil and a professor of several tourism postgraduate programs. Author of several books and articles, including the best-seller "Análise Estrutural do Turismo".


Beni, M. C. (2012) Clusters de turismo. In: Beni, M. C. (org). Turismo: planejamento estratégico e capacidade de gestão – desenvolvimento regional, rede de produção e clusters. São Paulo: Manole, p.517.

Beni, M. C. e Cury, M. J. F. (2012) Bases territoriais e redes de cluster de turismo. In: Beni, M. C. (org). Turismo: planejamento estratégico e capacidade de gestão – desenvolvimento regional, rede de produção e clusters. São Paulo: Manole, p. 487.

Moraes, L. N. de. (2012) Dimensão mercadológica de sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento turístico. In: Beni, M. C. (org). Turismo: planejamento estratégico e capacidade de gestão – desenvolvimento regional, rede de produção e clusters. São Paulo: Manole, p. 283.



How to Cite

Beni, M. C. (2020). Saturation and Rejection of Tourism in Travel Destinations. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 14(2), 1–8.


