Analytical model for regional tourism governance - MAGRET




Analytical model, Governance, Regionalization of tourism


In Brazil, the institutional structure related to contemporary organizations that involve the tourism public policy scenario deliberately acts on the format of regional tourism governance bodies from 2004 with the advent of the Tourism Regionalization Program (PRT) until the present day. current. In this sense, this study aims to present the Analytical Model of Regional Governments of Tourism - MAGRET, which allows to understand the interrelationships of its actors in the multiple scales of public, private and third sector. The model was applied in three Brazilian tourist regions, Costa Verde and Mar - SC, Hortênsias - RS, and Polo Costa das Dunas - RN. These procedures went through qualitative and quantitative stages, with exploratory and explanatory qualifications, involving bibliographic, documentary and internet research (database). The analyzes used 14 categories and 4 analytical dimensions. The information was obtained from the effective members of the regional governments, as well as from their official documents such as (law / decree, bylaws and bylaws). The analyzes took place with application of the analytical model built with the aid of the analytical categories and dimensions. The model was applied through the use of the analysis spiral constructed to understand the management of regional governance. The results were classified as effective and not effective. The effective are considered consolidated, being careful to keep them in a balanced way. The non-effective ones should be improved, always using the basis of the dimensions that indicated which categories need the most attention.


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Author Biography

Cálidon Costa Conceição, University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali), Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

PhD and Master in Tourism and Hospitality from the University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI - SC, with sandwich doctorate from the University of Alicante - Spain. CEO of APRI Consultoria.


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How to Cite

Conceição, C. C. (2020). Analytical model for regional tourism governance - MAGRET. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 14(2), 123–138.