Labour Market for Tourism Graduates

comparisons between 2012 – 2018 data




Tourism, Higher Education, Labour Market


There has been plentiful debate about tourism education, including a number of work groups in many events. However, there is, on the other hand, little information about the employability of these courses’ graduates. Over time there has been an increasing gap between the interests of trainers and human resources hiring sectors, the former being more concerned with the academic and humanistic building of the undergraduates and the latter focusing on the need for professionals with proper skills acquired during their undergrad period. Focusing on the comparison between the ‘Professional performance of the graduates of higher education courses in tourism’ research in 2012 and 2018, this article discusses the labour market of graduates of higher education in Brazil, in terms of the main activities, sectors of activity and remuneration. It has been based on primary and secondary data, with a more descriptive character and a qualitative approach in the interpretation of the data. Among the main results it is possible to highlight that the tourism sector is not as diverse as taught in the higher education courses, due to the finding that most of the jobs are concentrated in on or few positions. Also, the perception of a discrete improvement in the remuneration, the rise of the participation of professors in the market and the growth of respondents linked to the public sector are among the main findings


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Author Biographies

Carlos Eduardo Silveira, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

He is a graduate and specialized in Tourism and Hospitality, holds a Master’s degree in Tourism in Developing Countries, and a PhD in Management and Sustainable Tourism Development. Currently he teaches tourism at the undergraduate program at UFPR, and in the Master Program in Tourism. He has experience in the field of tourism, conducting research on higher education in tourism and tourism planning, focusing mainly in the relationship between training and the labor market in tourism. He is linked to the research groups TEEM (Tourism, Education, Employment and Market), and DemandaTur (Determining Factors of Tourism Demand).

Juliana Medaglia, Federal University of Paraná, UFPR, PR, Brazil

She is a graduate in Tourism, specialized in Corporate Marketing and Social Management. She holds a Master’s degree in Communication and Tourism and a PhD in Information Science. Currently she teaches tourism at the undergraduate course at UFPR, in the Master Program in Tourism. She is a researcher and acts in the tourism field, with emphasis on strategic marketing planning, tourism demand, information organization, and higher education in tourism. She is linked to the research groups TEEM (Tourism, Education, Employment and Market), and DemandaTur (Determining Factors of Tourism Demand), and Theoretical, Methodological and Historical Foundations of Information Organization.

Marcia Shizue Massukado-Nakatani, Federal University of Paraná, UFPR, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.

She is a graduate in Tourism and holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in Administration. Currently she teaches tourism at the undergraduate course at UFPR, in the Master Program in Tourism. Her research interests include research methodologies and knowledge construction in tourism, tourism communication and information, the promotion and marketing of tourism destinations and products, and higher education in tourism. She serves as ad hoc reviewer for journals in the fields of tourism, tourism and business events, and funding agencies. She is linked to the research groups TURITEC (Tourism, Technology, Information, Communication and Knowledge) and TEEM (Tourism, Education, Employment and Market).


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How to Cite

Silveira, C. E., Medaglia, J., & Massukado-Nakatani, M. S. (2020). Labour Market for Tourism Graduates: comparisons between 2012 – 2018 data. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 14(2), 83–94.