Governability of tourist policies: the role of the participation spaces in the perspective of the network analysis and the institutional theory


  • Ana Valéria Endres Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB Departamento de Turismo e Hotelaria - DTH
  • Elbio Troccoli Pakman Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB Departamento de Turismo e Hotelaria - DTH



New institutionalism, Governability, Social Network Analysis – SNA, Public tourist policies, Paraiba/Brazil.


The discussions presented in this article propose an original reading on the participation in the processes of the tourist implementation policies subject to institutionalized spaces searching for more legitimacy than efficiency. The study is supported by a theoretical outline that sees the reflex of isomorphic processes in the institutional in-force changes. Objective: to study out the specific spaces between the state and non-state actors – projected by the tourist policies – strengthen the new governability. Methodology/Approach: the study of these processes is circumscribed to the imaginary limits of the organizational field defined by the tourist public policies network in Paraiba/Brazil. Both the field and the network were sketched as from the directed interviews, documents and bibliographic analysis and represented by sociograms, formulated via mathematical resources through the Social Network Analysis – SNA. The studied spaces of participation have their headquarters in Joao Pessoa, capital of Paraiba State. Results: the reading of the obtained results suggests that the institutionalized spaces of participation by the new governability have a transforming potential of the tourist reality in Paraiba, as they influence on the actions and strategies of the local actors. Yet, it is still early to assess if the spaces really produce significant institutional changes to deepen really legitimated and more efficient participative processes as well. Their virtuous circle may promote values and practices to strengthen the new governability.


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Author Biographies

Ana Valéria Endres, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB Departamento de Turismo e Hotelaria - DTH

DTHDoutora em Sociologia Política.  

professora do Departamento de Turismo e Hotelaria – DTH, da Universidade Federal da Paraíba – UFPB

Elbio Troccoli Pakman, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB Departamento de Turismo e Hotelaria - DTH

graduação, mestrado e doutorado: Economia.

professor dos cursos de Economia e de Turismo da UFPB

chefe do Departamento de Turismo e Hotelaria da UFPB


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How to Cite

Endres, A. V., & Pakman, E. T. (2019). Governability of tourist policies: the role of the participation spaces in the perspective of the network analysis and the institutional theory. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 13(1), 1–18.