Determinants attributes in purchase decision: a study in establishments commercialize street food




Importance of the attribute. Determinant attribute. Buying decision. Satisfaction. Street food.


The attributes of a product can vary greatly in the importance they have for different consumers, and from the idea that there are different degrees of importance in relation to the attributes and importance that influence the buying decision. The purpose of this study is to identify which attributes are crucial for consumers in making buying decisions in establishments that sell street food. It is a study of both qualitative and quantitative nature. In the qualitative phase was conducted semi-structured interviews with 16 customers and analyzed using content analysis.It was carried out one survey, applying 200 questionnaires, to survey data for quantitative phase . The analysis of this quantitative phase was carried out using Excel and SPSS, with the use of multivariate statistical techniques. The results indicated that the service offered is the construct considered crucial to the customers' buying decision. In addition, this study enables the spread of this research scope in the country and contributes to the entrepreneurs in the street food sector seeking strategies to keep themselves firmly in the market.


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Author Biographies

Hannah Nicchio Loriato, UFES - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Graduada em Administração e Mestra em Administração (PPGADM) pela UFES - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.

Anderson Soncini Pelissari, UFES - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Professor do Departamento de Administração da UFES (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo).

Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração - Mestrado e Doutorado - PPGADM/UFES e Pesquisador do TecPrO/UFES.

Doutor em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba.

Pesquisador nas áreas de Estratégias de Marketing e de Negócios - Grupo de Estudos em Marketing e Estratégia (GEMaE).



How to Cite

Loriato, H. N., & Pelissari, A. S. (2017). Determinants attributes in purchase decision: a study in establishments commercialize street food. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 11(1), 109–132.