Potiguar tourism that came to lose 100 thousand landings!


  • Maria Valéria Araujo
  • Holliver Breno Barbosa de Freitas
  • Julia Silva Gomes
  • Maria Isabel Medeiros Brito




Tourism. Tourist destination. Tourist marketing. Public policy.


The Case Study "The Rio Grande do Norte tourism which has suffered a loss of '100,000 arrivals'" describes a peculiar and challenging scenario in which the tourist destination of Natal lies. Thus, this case study presents the investment history of Natal into tourism as well as discuss the decisions that should be taken by the current Tourism Secretary of Natal faced with the difficulties regarding the reduced of this destination among international tourists. This reduction took place mainly after the global economic crisis with a reduction of charter flights for (from) Natal. Infrastructure and public safety issues also contributed to a reduction in the number of visitors to the city. Within this context a reflection on the scenario in which Natal lies with the objective of demonstrating the importance of the implementation of public policies, tourism marketing, an analysis of internal and external environments of the destination, and the establishment of competitive advantages is proposes. For the preparation of this case study realistic about tourism data was collected from newspapers, magazines and scientific papers. This case study can be applied in Graduate or postgraduate courses in Business Administration, Marketing and Tourism.


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How to Cite

Araujo, M. V., Barbosa de Freitas, H. B., Gomes, J. S., & Medeiros Brito, M. I. (2016). Potiguar tourism that came to lose 100 thousand landings!. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 10(3), 594–614. https://doi.org/10.7784/rbtur.v10i3.954