Visitors’ gastronomy experiences in a winescape
Gastronomy, Experiences, Wine tourism, Emerging wine region, Tourism DestinationAbstract
This article examines the gastronomic experiences of visitors in various establishments, focusing on understanding how supply and demand operate in wine tourism. To this end, a single case study was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data collection was achieved through digitally accessible secondary sources, gathering visitors' opinions based on publicly available information from TripAdvisor. Data analysis was facilitated using the Iramuteq tool, which combined textual analysis with subsequent manual content analysis to obtain a comprehensive overview. The study revealed that visitors perceive local gastronomy in a utilitarian manner, prioritizing the quality of products and services over cultural aspects. Furthermore, interpersonal connections and customer engagement were identified as significant factors influencing the experience. This research also contributes to the understanding of digital communication methods.
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