A Quality of Employment Index for the tourism sector in developing countries

the case of Uruguay





tourism, employment, quality of employment, Multi-dimensional index, Principal component analysis


Although job quality has become an active field of study over the last two decades in developed countries, it still remains an under discussed concept in developing regions such as Latin America, where the incidence of work informality and low wages are particularly high. As quality of employment is a multidimensional concept and not homogeneously defined in the literature, we follow a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to build a Quality of Employment (QoE) Index for salary earners using household survey micro data of Uruguay from 2016-2019. Uruguay leads the Better Jobs Index launched by the Inter American Development Bank in 2017, which constitutes the only index with a macro-approach to measure quantity and quality employment conditions in the region. We consider several aspects of working conditions: employment, earnings, hours worked, occupational safety and social security coverage. We focus on the tourism sector, which presents low job quality characteristics at the same time it accounts for 7.2% of employment in Uruguay. Furthermore, we found a sex-based gap of employment quality against women in tourism, a difference that is not observed in the trade sector. QoE in tourism shows a greater dispersion in the distribution of employees, indicating the presence of more inequalities among these workers compared to those of trade. Other results show that job quality in tourism is lower for those unskilled, but that there are still many skilled workers facing low quality. Finally, if we consider the activities that conform tourism, workers do better in hotels and travel agencies rather than in restaurants and entertainment. 


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Author Biographies

Malena Dolcet, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Is a junior researcher at Institute of Economics Investigations of the Faculty of Economics at UNLP. She received her B.A in Economics from Universidad Nacional de La Plata and she is currently a M.A. Candidate in Economics at UNLP. She has partici-pated in research projects related to the areas such as labor economics, education and tourism economics. Collaboration to the paper: literature revision, data analysis, results discussion.

Natalia Porto , Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Holds a PhD in economics from Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina. She is the director of the Institute of Eco-nomics Investigations of the Faculty of Economics at UNLP. She is a Titular Professor of International Economics and Economic Growth, Tourism and the Environment at the same university. She is a full-time researcher, has published various articles in national and international journals, and has worked on many research projects related to tourism. She is also a member of the Ibero-American Network of Tourism Economics and Management, the Argentinian Association of Political Economy, and the Ex-ecutive Council of the International Association for Tourism Economics. Collaboration to the paper: research idealization, data collect, results discussion.

Carolina Inés Garcia, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Is a PhD student at Curtin University, Australia. She holds a Master’s Degree in Provincial and Municipal Public Finance and a Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) in Tourism from Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. She has experience working for aca-demia, government and international organisations. Her research interests include tourism policy, tourism economics and tour-ism employment. Collaboration to the paper: literature revision, data analysis, results discussion.


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How to Cite

Dolcet, M., Porto , N., & Garcia, C. I. . (2022). A Quality of Employment Index for the tourism sector in developing countries: the case of Uruguay. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 16, 2622. https://doi.org/10.7784/rbtur.v16.2622



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