Women trajectory in Tourism teaching and research
Gender, Labor, Tourism graduate programs, Female trajectory, Female researcherAbstract
This article aims to discuss gender issues in the academy by describing the trajectory of women faculty in Tourism, Hotel Management and Hospitality graduate programs in Brazil. All 71 women from 11 graduate programs were contacted. Thirty-one women from 10 graduate programs participated, representing 43% of the total. Interviews were used as data collection for a qualitative approach. After the interviews full transcript and the textual corpus thorough reading, the analysis was organized in academic training, career in high education, and, the intertwining of personal and professional life. In the analysis, it was identified a version of women's trajectory in tourism teaching and research that was not characterized as representative or illustrative of one woman, but, instead, a shared version of the trajectories of these women. The authors concluded that the way those women deal with teaching and researching has direct influence on how tourism research takes place in Brazil. Furthermore, it was possible to be observed that Brazilian female professors and researchers in the tourism area struggle and go through gender challenges in the same way as women in the general labor market do.
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