The future of tourism in Brazil through a critical analysis of the period 2000-2019
Tourism Studies, Brazilian Culture, Planning Actions, Political Networks, Market Structures.Abstract
This article provides a perspective on tourism in Brazil, analyzing the main developments focusing on the period 2000-2019. This opinion paper provides a reflection made by academics with expertise in tourism in Brazil. Tourism-related topics covered in this paper include economics, politics and planning, marketing, transportation, environment, gastronomy, hospitality, leisure, among others. As the main conclusion, it is argued that Brazil has not managed to position itself as an internationally renowned destination. The efforts in the 1990s to support the development of regional tourism have had only moderate success. Economic crises, political instability, violence and corruption were obstacles that considerably affected the tourism sector. The lack of a coordinated approach between the various levels of government, the shortage of tourism data and a long-term supra-governmental marketing campaign, among other factors, meant that the country missed several opportunities in the 2010s to become established as one of the top tourist destinations in the global market.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2021 Gui Lohmann, Heros Augusto Santos Lobo, Luiz Gonzaga Godoi Trigo, Vander Valduga, Rafael Castro, Mariana de Freitas Coelho, Marina Wöhlke Cyrillo, Yoná Dalonso, Maria Henriqueta Gimenes-Minasse, Marlusa de Sevilha Gosling, Ricardo Lanzarini, Sergio Rodrigues Leal, Osiris Marques, Verônica Feder Mayer, Jasmine Cardozo Moreira, Lauro Almeida de Moraes, Alexandre Panosso Netto, André Riani Costa Perinotto, Ambrozio Queiroz Neto, Sidnei Raimundo, Eduardo Sanovics, Fabia Trentin, Ricardo Ricci Uvinha
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