Touristification in the Gamboa and Saúde neighborhoods, Rio de Janeiro
perception of residents as a collective subject
Urban Tourism, Metropolis, Residents, Collective subject discourse, Porto Maravilha Urban Operation -RJAbstract
Rio de Janeiro's city underwent urban restructuring processes in specific spatial sections due to the 2016 Olympic Games. Among them, due to its centrality and the socio-spatial issues involved, the Porto Maravilha Urban Operation, which had promoted the practice of tourism in the Port Zone, specifically in the neighborhoods of Gamboa and Saúde. This research aimed to investigate the residents' perceptions of these neighborhoods regarding the changes in their lived space due to that recent touristification process. For this purpose, it was carried out: (1) bibliographic survey; (2) exploratory research; (3) documentary research on maps and tourist guides in the city of Rio de Janeiro; (4) application of the Collective Subject Discourse; (5) analysis and discussion of the results obtained. Forty-one residents were interviewed who had lived for at least 20 years in these neighborhoods. As a result, it was identified that residents have different perceptions about their living space, the Porto Maravilha Urban Operation, and the practice of tourism. The contributions of this research to collaborate with the discussion about the great urban projects and the tourism practice from the residents' voices.
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