How does tourism move during the COVID-19 pandemic?


  • Juliana Carneiro da Costa Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Federal University Fluminense (UFF), Niteroi, RJ, Brazil.
  • Thiago Allis School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo (EACH-USP), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.



Tourism mobilities, Imaginative mobilities, Theories of tourism.


This article discusses the dichotomies of physical and visual mobilities emerged during the COVID19 pandemic, drawing on the analysis of the tourist flows restrictions contained in health barriers and tourist communications, which, while alerting to the need to restrict tourism, promote its attractions in the perspective of a tourism recovery. For that, a context analysis was made from images (typology, representation and discourse/interpretation) circulated in press and DMOs of the Costa do Sol/Região dos Lagos and São Paulo/Litoral Norte Tourism Routes. The empirical contents are brought as examples, since the essence of this study lies in the dynamics and processes of the mobilities that characterize and transmute them. The findings corroborate the argument that physical and imaginative dimensions of tourism might become crucial to rethink the notion of tourism mobilities. Thus, the contribution of this paper is twofold: first, in the theoretical-methodological field of mobilities as it broadens the discussion on tourism beyond the physical mobility of the bodies, building upon New Mobilities Paradigm; second, it highlights contradictory dimensions on tourism practices nowadays, and may guide future management of tourism activities according to the unfolding of the pandemic.


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Author Biographies

Juliana Carneiro da Costa, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Federal University Fluminense (UFF), Niteroi, RJ, Brazil.

She has a Master’s in Tourism by the Graduate Program Stricto Sensu in Tourism UFF. She is a specialist in Higher Education Teaching and Bachelor of Tourism from the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality at UFF. She is a researcher at the research group at UFF Turismo, Gestão e Território. She is a distance mediator of the CEDERJ Consortium linked to UFRRJ and Editorial Assistant of the academic journal Caderno Virtual de Turismo (CVT).

Thiago Allis, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo (EACH-USP), Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

He has a Bachelor in Tourism from the University of São Paulo (2004), Master’s in Latin American Integration from the University of São Paulo (2006) and Doctor in Architecture and Urbanism, in the Area of Urban and Regional Planning (FAU-USP), with interest in the subjects linked to tourism, tourism planning, urban tourism and mobility. He is currently a PhD Professor at the Leisure and Tourism Course, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo (EACH-USP). He has professional experience in the field of Tourism Planning, having provided consultancy and specialized technical services to government entities and private companies. In 2012, he was Visiting Professor at the National University Timor Lorosa'e (East Timor), with the Department of Commerce and Tourism.


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How to Cite

Costa, J. C. da, & Allis, T. (2021). How does tourism move during the COVID-19 pandemic? . Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 15(1), 2212.



Special Call: Tourism and COVID-19