Do at-home habits show up at the beach?

tourist sustainable attitudes and behaviors in Jericoacoara, CE, Brazil




Attitude, Behavior, Sustainability, Travel and Tourism.


The aim of this study is to investigate the attitude and behavior of sun-and-beach tourists towards sustainability, assessing the effect of attitude and usual behavior on sustainable travel behavior. To this end, we carried out a study in Jericoacoara, in the state of Ceará, northeastern Brazil. The research is quantitative in nature, carried out through a survey and was applied to 188 sun-and-beach tourists. The results show that sustainable attitudes affect sustainable travel behavior, thus the attitude of anthropocentric beliefs have a negative effect, while ecocentric beliefs towards natural resources and consumption, had a positive effect. The findings also suggest that regarding usual sustainable behaviors, there is a positive effect of recycling-related behaviors, water and energy conservation, and street cleaning on sustainable travel behavior. In this way, it is understood that those who have sustainable attitudes and behaviors in their daily lives tend to behave the same in different environments, showing that people act in public as they do at home.


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Author Biographies

Laís Vieira Castro Oliveira, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí, Cocal Campus, PI, Brazil.

She is a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí, Cocal Campus. She has a master’s degree and is a PhD student in Administration and Controlling at the Federal University of Ceará.

Clayton Robson Moreira da Silva, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí, Pedro II Campus, PI, Brazil.

He is a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí, Pedro II Campus. He has a master’s degree and he is a PhD student in Administration and Controlling at the Federal University of Ceará.

Cláudia Buhamra Abreu Romero, Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.

She is a full professor at the Federal University of Ceará. She holds a PhD in Administration from the Fundação Getulio Vargas, and a post-doctoral degree in Marketing and Sustainability from the Concordia University, Canada.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, L. V. C., Silva, C. R. M. da, & Romero, C. B. A. (2021). Do at-home habits show up at the beach? tourist sustainable attitudes and behaviors in Jericoacoara, CE, Brazil . Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 15(2), 1991.