Contribution of accommodation facilities to direct emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the city of Parnaíba (Piauí State, Brazil)




Greenhouse gases, Sustainability, Hotel sector.


Climate change caused by the increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO2), will directly and indirectly affect all human activities, mainly those that are closely dependent on natural factors, such as tourism. In this context, it is necessary to expand scientific knowledge about global and sectoral emissions (transport, means of accommodation, etc.) from tourism. Thus, this article analyzed the direct emissions of CO2 of accommodation facilities in the city of Parnaíba (PI), and its contribution to local emissions from tourism. Therefore, it was based on the characterization of the emission sources in the accommodation sector, being selected the categories of energy, cooking gas and water consumption, and the production of solid waste, with emphasis on the WTTC and the ITP manual (2016), and on the conversion values proposed by DEFRA (2012). The results indicated that CO2 emissions per capita were similar to the world average for domestic visitors in developing countries, ie 4.01 kg/CO2, and the main contributor was energy consumption, accounting for 94.7% of emissions. In addition, the possibilities of reducing such emissions were listed with managerial, technological and educational measures in the daily hospitality activities.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Sousa Melo, Federal University of Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar), Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil.

He is an Adjunct Professor of the Tourism Undergraduate Program at the Federal University of Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar). He has a PhD in Development and Environment (UFPI), a Master’s in Development and Environment (UFPB), Specialist in Management of Tropical Coastal Environments (UFPE), and Bachelor in Tourism (UNICAP-PE).

Solano de Souza Braga, Federal University of Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar), Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil.

He is an Assistant Professor of the Tourism Undergraduate Program at the Federal University of Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar). He is a PhD candidate in Development and Environment (UFPI), has a Master’s in Geography (UFMG), and Bachelor degrees in Geography (UNIVERSO), Tourism and Hospitality by the Teacher Education Program (CEFET-MG) and in Tourism (UFMG).

Ruceline Paiva Melo Lins, Federal University of Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar), Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil.

She is an Associate Professor in the Biological Sciences Undergraduate Program at the Federal University of Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar). She has a PhD in Natural Resources (UFCG), a Master’s in Development and Environment (UFPB), and Bachelor in Biological Sciences (UEPB).


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How to Cite

Melo, R. S., Braga, S. de S., & Lins, R. P. M. (2021). Contribution of accommodation facilities to direct emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the city of Parnaíba (Piauí State, Brazil). Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 15(2), 1968.