Tourism consumer behavior
a systematic review of the Brazilian scientific production
Tourism Consumer, Tourist, Consumption.Abstract
This study aimed to analyze the Brazilian scientific production related to tourism consumer behavior without temporal filter, in the databases Spell, Scielo and Scopus, using the systematic review protocol disseminated by Cronin, Ryan and Coughlan (2008). In addition, the bibliometrics by Araújo and Alvarenga (2011) was also adopted as a research strategy. Thus, this research is designed as a descriptive study and with qualitative approach. The search resulted in a sample of 109 papers which were evaluated from three approaches: a) general; b) methodological and; c) theoretical. The papers were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC) and Correspondence Factor Analysis (CFA). About the findings, we identified a progressive interest in the theme after 2014, with the immediately subsequent period being the one with the highest concentration of papers. In relation to the methodological character, the results revealed the preference for descriptive and quantitative researches. The adoption of survey and opinion research were the most recurrent methods. From the DHC and CFA analysis emerged four thematic axes associated with the theme and defined as: “internal influences”, “tourism products”, “decision making” and “segmented tourism”. Therefore, this investigation brings advances to the tourism studies field by enabling a photograph of the Brazilian research and identifying gaps to be filled by future studies.
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