Modelling and forecasting international tourism demand in Puno-Peru




Seasonality, Titicaca lake, Peru, ARIMA, Culture


The tourism industry in Peru generates about 1.1 million jobs and contributes 3.3% of GDP, which makes it one of its main economic activities, so tourism is no longer just a commercial activity and transforms into a tool for the development of the Peruvian population especially in regions with high poverty rate and with numerous tourist attractions as it is the case of the Puno region with a poverty rate of 24.2% that is located in the south of the country and that has numerous tourist attractions of natural, historical, cultural and gastronomic type. The objective of this research is to model and forecasting the demand of international tourists visiting Puno using the ARIMA methodology of Box-Jenkins, for this the study considers monthly arrival information of foreign tourists between the years 2003 to 2017. Finally, using the statistics MAPE, Z, r, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Schwarz Criterion (SC) was identified to the SARIMA (6, 1, 24)(1, 0, 1)12  model as the most efficient for modeling and forecasting of the demand for international tourism in the Puno region.


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Author Biographies

Luis Francisco Laurente Blanco, National University of Altiplano (UNA), Puno, Peru

Engineer Economist for the National University of the Altiplano with Master's Degree in Computing from the same university, with postgraduate study in mathematics and statistics at USP and IMPA in Brazil, his area of interest is mathematical economics. He is currently doing research in the “Grupo Fibonacci de Ciencias Económicas (GRFICE)” with several books and articles published

Ronald Wilson Machaca Hancco, National University of Altiplano (UNA), Puno, Peru

Engineer Economist for the National University of the Altiplano is Coordinator of School Leveling Wills in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Residential Care Center. He is currently doing research in the “Grupo Fibonacci de Ciencias Económicas (GRFICE)”.


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How to Cite

Laurente Blanco, L. F., & Machaca Hancco, R. W. (2020). Modelling and forecasting international tourism demand in Puno-Peru. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 14(1), 34–55.