Mexico and Uruguay inbound tourism demand




Tourism demand, Cointegration, Real exchange rate, Mexico, Uruguay, JEL: C32, F14, F41


The main objective of this paper is to estimate the tourism demand for Mexico and Uruguay, two very different countries, but for both of which tourism is an important activity, and mainly originating from a large neighbor. We try to analyze whether the determinants of tourism demand differ depending on the size of the country, or if being a neighboring country is the main determinant. So, we analyze the relationship between the number of American tourists visiting Mexico and Argentinian tourists visiting Uruguay, and the inbound tourists’ income and the bilateral real exchange rate (RER) between the visiting country and the hosting country, following the Johansen’s methodology. We found one cointegration relationship for each country, where the income-elasticity was greater than 2 for American tourists visiting Mexico, and nearly 3 for Argentinian tourists visiting Uruguay. Bilateral RERs were also significant in both models. Moreover, forecasts show the impacts of institutional changes on the tourism sector. The impact of arrival of President Macri to power was positive for Argentinian tourists visiting Uruguay, but President Trump's arrival in the US was negative for American tourists visiting Mexico.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Mordecki, Instituto de Economía - FCEA - Universidad de la República

Associated Professor, Full time, Director, Instituto de Economia (IECON), FCEA, UDELAR, Uruguay. Master's level diploma in “Trade modelling and Policy: Regional Economic Integration” Antwerp University (UFSIA), Belgium, October 2000. Specialization in Industrial Economy, Blumenau Regional University (FURB), Brazil, March 1992. Economist, July 1986, UDELAR, Uruguay

Ana Cecilia Leiva, University of Oslo,

Master Student, University of Oslo, Finland. Economist, December 2016, UDELAR, Uruguay.  

Nathalie Desplas Puel, Tenure Professor and Director of the Tourism Research Center at Tecnológico de Monterrey,

Tenure Professor and Director of the Tourism Research Center at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Chihuahua, Mexico. Visiting professor in Hungary and USA. Economics Sciences PhD, University of La Havana, Cuba. Economic Sciences Master’s Degree, La Sorbonne University, Paris, France.


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How to Cite

Mordecki, G., Leiva, A. C., & Puel, N. D. (2019). Mexico and Uruguay inbound tourism demand. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 13(3), 161–182.