Tourism and photography: a bibliometric study on using image analysis methodologies in the tourism researches




Tourism research, Image analysis methodologies, New methodologies, Photography


This article intends to investigate on using image analysis methodologies in recent national and international tourism surveys, from 2012 to 2017. Through exploratory and bibliometric research on the basis of world-wide journals, we sought to verify the main methodologies used in the field of tourism, in which areas these methods are most often used and how images are collected for research. As a result, it was verified that tourism research uses traditional methodologies to analyze images, such as semiotics and content analysis. Several methodologies have appeared more subtly, such as volunteer-employed photography, visual anthropology / photo- nography, photo elicitation, Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique (ZMET), and others, including iconography. It should be noted that the use of these methodologies, in general in the area of management and marketing of tourist destinations, was based on other well-known qualitative methods – in-depth interviews and participant observation, for example – as a way of validating the results of the research. However, it was noted through this mapping that visual analysis methodologies can contribute to tourism research, capturing the tourist's gaze and offering perspectives that surveys or in-depth interviews are not able to provide. Thus, this article points out new possibilities for researches in tourism.


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Author Biographies

Karla Estelita Godoy, Fluminense Federal University (UFF)

She is an Associate Professor at the Department of Tourism, Fluminense Federal University (UFF). She is deputy coordinator, researcher, and member of the tenured faculty of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Tourism (PPGTUR/UFF). She is coordinator of L'Image (Laboratory of Image Research, Production and Analysis) and lecturer in the Bachelor of Tourism course at UFF. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Museology and a Master's degree in Social Memory, both by the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (PPGMS/UNIRIO), a PhD in Public Policies and Human Education from the University of State of Rio de Janeiro (PPFH/UERJ) and a Post-doctoral degree in the Graduate Program in Anthropology from the Fluminense Federal University (PPGA/UFF). She coordinates the Research Group ‘Tourism, Culture and Society - T-Cult/UFF’ and the ‘Center for Studies and Research on Tourism and Museums - EpisTemus/T-Cult’.

Iasmim da Silva Leite, Universidade Federal Fluminense

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism (UFF) and she is a Master's degree student and fellow of CAPES in the Graduate Program in Tourism (PPGTUR-UFF). She is a researcher of the ‘Tourism, Culture and Society - T-Cult/UFF’ at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), of the ‘Center for Studies and Research on Tourism and Museums - EpisTemus/T-Cult’ and of L'Image (Laboratory of Image Research, Production and Analysis).


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How to Cite

Estelita Godoy, K., & da Silva Leite, I. (2019). Tourism and photography: a bibliometric study on using image analysis methodologies in the tourism researches. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 13(3), 71–91.