Customer Satisfaction based on the Attributes of Accommodation Services




Hotel attributes, Customer satisfaction, TripAdvisor.


The present research seeks to evaluate the contribution of the attributes of the lodging provided on the site TripAdvisor - service, value, cleanliness, location, quality of sleep and room - for the satisfaction of consumers of hotels and inns located in Espírito Santo. The research follows the quantitative methodological approach, using secondary data automatically collected on the site. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. The results indicate that the attributes investigated contribute differently to consumer satisfaction depending on the type of traveler informed by the consumer ("Friends", "Couple", "Family", "Business" and "Alone") and category of lodging prices.


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Author Biographies

Geciane Silva Almeida, Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Vitória, ES, Brazil

Holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from UFES. She was a researcher of the Research Line – Strategy, Innovation and Organizational Performance – Center for Studies in Technologies and Organizational Processes – TecPrO.

Anderson Soncini Pelissari, Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Vitória, ES, Brazil

Holds a PhD in Production Engineering. He is Professor in the Graduate Program in Administration - Master and Doctorate – PPGADM/UFES. Researcher of the Research Line - Strategy, Innovation and Organizational Performance - Center for Studies in Technologies and Organizational Processes – TecPrO.


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How to Cite

Almeida, G. S., & Pelissari, A. S. (2019). Customer Satisfaction based on the Attributes of Accommodation Services. Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 13(2), 32–53.