Restaurant positioning based on online travel reviews (OTRS)




Restaurants, Positioning, Social media, Michelin Guide, Online travel review, Tripadvisor.


Justified purpose of the topic: analysis of catering services has been the object of several studies in the field of tourism, and in this work, we analyze the positioning of the thirteen starred restaurants in the Michelin Guide 2016 in the city of. Objective: Within a marketing and management vision, the present research aims to analyze the positioning of restaurants through the evaluations posted on said social media of said restaurants. Methodology and approach: The study is characterized by being exploratory and descriptive, with a quantitative approach, performed through the collection of user-generated content (CGU) or User-Generated Content, on the site related to 1,300 customer ratings of restaurants that form the research universes and as an analysis tool Iramuteq software was used. Results: The results obtained through the descending hierarchical classification (CHD) that IRAMUTEQ retained and divided the total of the corpus of the evaluations collected into four classes: 1) attendance; 2) the restaurants; 3) hospitalitythe service; 4) food, characterizing what customers perceive to be important when choosing and utilizing catering projects and, through the analysis, point out that high-class restaurants in São Paulo are ranked by attribute, by users, by category of products and by class of service. Original document: This work is original on the theme and framework.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Barbosa do Nascimento Filho, Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP

Doctor in Tourism and Hospitality at Itajaí Valley University -UNIVALI - Balneário Camboriú - SC
Masters in Education at UNOESTE - Presidente Prudente - SP
Marketing Specialist at ESPM- Campinas - SP
Specialist in Planning and Municipal Management at FCT - Presidente Prudente - UNESP
Bachelor in Tourism at Potiguar University - Natal - RN

Luiz Carlos da Silva Flores, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI

Post-doctorate at the University of Algarve - Portugal, in Tourism area.
PhD in Production Engineering and Masters in Administration - Federal University of Santa Catarina
Bachelor in Business Administration - Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Professor and researcher in the Postgraduate Program in Tourism and Hospitality, and Professor in  Business Administration - University of  Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI.

Pablo Flôres Limberger, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI

Doctor in Tourism and Hospitality at Itajaí Valley University - UNIVALI - Balneário Camboriú - SC.
Master in Tourism and Hospitality at UNIVALI.
Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality at UNIVALI - Balneário Camboriú. Professor and researcher in the postgraduate program in Tourism and Hospitality at University of Vale do Itajaí.


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How to Cite

Nascimento Filho, F. B. do, Flores, L. C. da S., & Limberger, P. F. (2019). Restaurant positioning based on online travel reviews (OTRS). Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Turismo, 13(2), 1–15.